We often hear our customers say: “The LoviSil® splice is THE universal cable splice for every cable combination out there.” Recently, the LoviSil® branch splice has been used for the replacement of two parallel PILC cables by one triple-core polymeric cable.
Our customers often approach us with special requests about the use of our cable splices. A big utility in the Netherlands had to deal with a reconstruction of a route consisting of two parallel cables, i.e. two instances of 3 x 702 PILC. This was replaced by a triple-core 2402 polymeric cable. In order to keep the connection of the two parallel cables of the substation in good working order, the decision was made to connect the new cable to the two parallel cables using the LoviSil® branch splice.
LoviSil® – One technology
This exceptional replacement was attended by splicers from both the grid operator and contractor as well as the planners, team leaders and employees of Asset Management. They all agreed: installing such a complex cable combination with such ease is exceptional. LoviSil® technology has been implemented for decades and apart from some small specific parts, the installation of a branch splice is extremely similar to that of a trifurcate splice. Or, as one of the splicers put it: “It actually is a double M splice.”
Strong design
Ron Tiedink, Account Manager of the Netherlands looks back on it with a sense of satisfaction. “It’s great that we’re able to use our universal cable splices for exceptional and challenging practices. Even though the first LoviSil® splice design is from the 80s, it’s still possible to use the technology for new solutions.”
Do you also need to replace your unconventional cables every now and then? Feel free to contact us, we look forward to think along with you about possibilities.

Interesting facts
- LoviSil® branch splice perfect for replacement of two parallel cables