As of this summer, LoviSil® cable joints will be immediately available from the central warehouse of our new German partner, Ingenieur Consult Polytec (ICP). This Munich and Magdenburg-based company believes that LoviSil® technology can offer a reliable solution for the German energy grid in the future.
ICP specialises in high quality technological products that have been produced in Europe. ICP offers its customers technical expertise and comprehensive support during product selection. This customer-oriented approach makes ICP the perfect partner for the German energy market.
Pioneer in sustainable energy
In recent years, Germany has invested heavily in sustainable energy. However, local energy production has had an impact on the medium-voltage grid. LoviSil® cable joints feature fluid silicone insulation and offer a reliable connection, certainly when it comes to special applications and stricter requirements. ICP wants to use LoviSil® joints to help create a reliable and sustainable electricity grid in Germany.
Immediately available
ICP is able to supply cable joints for the most commonly encountered connections from stock. Thanks to the modular system, they can use 5 basic modules and accompanying cable modules to realise the correct configuration, for straight through joints and transition joints, as well as branch joints. ICP also has a number of oil-refill joints in stock.